Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Riedell Ice Skates Vs Jackson Ice Skates

Smell and the Brain: The world of food smells and odors

Smell or olfaction is the meaning and process designed to identify odors. Is a chemoreceptor in acting as a stimulant aromatic or odoriferous particles detached from the volatile bodies, which enter the olfactory epithelium located in the nose, and processed by the olfactory system. The human nose distinguishes between more than 10,000 different smells. Smell is the strongest sense to nacer.Las odorants are volatile chemical compounds airborne. Odorous objects released into the atmosphere small molecules that perceive to inspire. These molecules reach the olfactory mucosa, which consists of three distinct types of cells: olfactory sensory cells, supporting cells and basal cells, which are divided about once a month and replace the dying olfactory cells.

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