Monday, May 2, 2011

15 Years Old Leg Pain

A new audio Manuel Domínguez Guerra "the tip" , then the now famous "Tele why ...", perhaps the most publicized of all.

can hear in in paragraph "Splashes of humor."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Reset Lockscreen On Ipod

The anger of the leaves ....

Photo ALG
Vendita Fall, you take over the leaves. Let them dry, until they fall off like ripe fruit. The difference is that they were killed. The fruits ...

Green is strange and different shades morronescas, van captand or the attention of passersby. How many leaves lost their virginity and how many trees lost their beauty? The cold slowly walks to take shelter in the winter .....

Don Quixote Photo
often die of thirst. Many other cold. There are few who survive the fall. These are the brave, who cheat the ecosystem. There are few, indeed. The fighting, many succeed, many others lose their freedom ....

Once lost its color, its essence, are left to cope with the wind. This pushes them, loneliness, bad memories, fears, and suffering. Each leaf flies, looking for his last respite.

Now I wonder:

What will be the fate of the pages slowly detached, bereft of freedom?.

"The fate of the leaves, compared to autumn, it is his death?

Do fears, bad memories and suffering, disappear into the wintry weather?

If we would be leaves, do they let lose our freedom?

How to act against the laws of nature? How change what pre-set?

How can revolutionize?

Don Quixote Photo

The questions leave us questions. We are the authors, the architects of the answers. Many times the road is the same purpose. Often, we dream the impossible. This is what keeps us alive ....

is good left flying in the wind, but never losing our freedom. The reality has to be part of our flight ...

PF Photo

Don Quijote 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Very Thick White Cm Before Af

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Motivations For Cranchile

"If you want to burst the wall that holds the waters Dam my pain, speak to me of a dog abandoned. " MDGuerra.

My greatest admiration for those
engaged in combat animal abuse ...

"Child with dog."
drypoint engraving lit colored pencil.
Manuel Domínguez Guerra (cc) 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sore Nipples Veins In Chest And Breasts

Fibromyalgia and brain

Chronic pain not only hurts. It also damages the human brain, as confirmed by a group of scientists, led by Argentine Dante Chialvo, Faculty of Medicine of Northwestern University in the United States. To damage the brain, it is common with chronic pain also suffer from depression, impaired attention, decision making or sleep.

Chialvo team found evidence that require doctors to make a more comprehensive examination of patients with chronic pain. "Until now, doctors ask whether or not pain, and leave the matter there. But they should worry now for an assessment of the brain that may have been affected, "said the researcher Argentine Clarín. Chialvo studied medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

even if it was known that a healthy person does nothing, the brain as still active. Although it works in a very special balance. When part of the brain is more active, to disable the other hand a bit to keep that balance. The set of parties involved in this balance is called "network idle brain, "Chialvo said, I work with three other researchers. It is the one responsible for" maintaining "the brain.

In cases of people with chronic pain, however, the brain is never at rest, even when they decide to keep the mind blank, because they have pain, which is permanent. "It's like having a toothache for ten years and nothing to calm you down", he said.

Chialvo team started asking if the network of brain resting state was different in patients with chronic pain. Designed an experiment involving patients with chronic pain of the waist and volunteers of the same age, same sex but no pain. Everyone had to follow closely a bar on the computer screen that rose and fell fitfully. Was monitored through the fMRI, how well did

Compression Shorts For Circulation

cybersex addiction: Nicole

Cybersex has been described by experts in the field as a new sexual addiction, ie, a behavior unusual obsession with sex and an insatiable sexual desire. Consists of entering a chat room and having sexually explicit conversations with someone anonymous. Usually these conversations described step by step what each person would do to the other if they were having sex in real life.

What is the attraction of cybersex? For many, the virtual or cyber sex is the easiest and fastest way to obtain sexual satisfaction. Some experts in the field have said that "sex on the Internet is like heroin." Behavior becomes very addictive and can cover the entire life of whom, and may even replace real meetings with the couple. Those who are fully engaged in sex on the Internet, they can spend hours and hours a day masturbating to pornographic images.

Adjust Suspension On Polaris Trail Touring

Suicide is a mental health problem

Recent studies 70% of people who kill themselves have mental problems. Top Bogotá - September 10, 2009.

Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders Definition

Peter: Addicted to video games effects of cannabis

addiction occurs when a person needs a particular stimulus to achieve a sense of well being and therefore, is a mental and physical dependency compared to that stimulus.

In this case, the addiction to video games (consoles, phones, computers ...) means a strong dependence on them which is characterized as an activity that takes up too much time in the life of the person and is still practiced despite having negative effects.

Some of the ways in which parents and educators should be set are:

- The young man seems to be absorbed to play unattended when you call.

- feel too much stress and even tighten the jaws while playing.

- Do not look away from the television or screen.

- begins to lose interest in other activities that were once practiced.

- sleep disorders.

- Increased distance from the family and friends.

- Problems with the studies.

- No respect by no means the scheduled times.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cesarean Section Kundli

Next Thursday Friday March 31 and April 1, project, in continuous session, from 20.30 pm, the film CRIMINAL JAM, directed by Manuel Domínguez Guerra and premiered in 1989 at the Teatro Gutiérrez de Alba Tarlatana by the Group.
If you want to laugh with their strange adventures, you will not be missed.
'll see you at EL MIRADOR

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ovulating From Right Ovary

Video explaining the effects that cannabis exerts on neuronal cells.

664 Microphone Diagram

Effects of cocaine on a guy

Video of the effects of cocaine in simulated body actors for web. The page contains more videos, games and information on disitintos effects of drugs.

Material For Hindi Marriage Card In Hindi

Effects of cannabis on a girl

Video of the effects of cannabis on the body simulated by actors for web. The page contains more videos, games and information on disitintos effects of drugs.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Acrostic Poems Over Camels

Written February 12.

-El Destino De Las Hojas Blancas-

"A quella sheet language orphan" Don Quixote

Last night, in the final minutes of February Doce (to be more specific were 12:58 AM.), I am approaching an idea. She ended up giving form and content in the Thirteen early February, when the hours are positioned on the number two, and the minute hand, barely gave way sign at number 32. If you do account, you will see that it took exactly one hour, thirty-four minutes. (In this story, ignore the existence of the latter).

start by explaining the birth of that idea. Like when, you know, I will expand on the how:

-front of my desk, invaded by a revolution of leaves, where disorder and diversity are the two large flags, find a lone white sheet. The rest were leaves belonging to magazines, newspaper clippings, summaries of Economy tickets, concerts and vivid, long hours scribbling products to telephone reminders kills oblivion, and a host of variables.

"My eye fell on that sheet orphan language: Illustrated just nothing, a simple disregard for show or send us something. So, I embodied an idea, or rather, a question that ended up being the title of this kind of story (immediate inspiration.)

U n pencil cried and even demanded,
a fine tip "Don Quixote.

White Sheet
Honestly, I sent distress. It because of its inability to change their situation of dependency with the writer, cartoonist, painter, homemaker, student, and a myriad of individuals who are able to intervene in the absence of figures and lines.

Thus, as every object around us, the white sheets, drown in the desire to convey language. We have the gift, the commitment to meet that need. Each one, each physical element, gives feeling, gives identity, puts a role, a purpose.

Without hesitation, I found between these towers centimetrales sheets and books, a pencil cried and even demanded, a fine tip. With him, I began to settle, without hesitation, lack of community, no longer desired by the lone white sheet. Gradually transformed into a large container of lines, full of product ideas of his own conviction, and paid.

Inevitably, was taking identity. Those feel like they were filled, and the victorious White Leaf changed his name written sheet.

Now let's talk a written page:
"My word" Don Quixote

tell regret that we are in a small dilemma. (It was not my intention to take them to a wreck without direction, a direction without meaning. But my imagination played a trick on us)

a written page, has the power to change. (Among those alternatives mentioned some as the changes in mood, thought, world, etc.). But we were who changed his name.

here myself, I am confused, and likely as not able to understand the written recently: Let's see ....

"I write, that I read, yet influenced in your state. You into my world. Seeking how to disconnect the present. Play with your imagination, project images, sounds in your mind. Now I dominate, I have hunted with my best weapon: words.

It's wonderful what you can do to give life to a leaf. It's amazing literary world. It's wonderful imagination. Interpretation is unclear, as everyone has a different interpretation, a single thought.

On the latter I cling. If you think of fun reading this, well. Are you bored well (lost time on me). If you loved, agradécemelo. But if I did anything, well ...

keep trying ... ..

"That Dream To Fly There" Don Quixote

Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement Spokane

Personal change: Remission of diseases (J. Dispenza)

Dr. Joe explains how the brain develops new capabilities learning new tools, more ability to concentrate amidst chaos and also can heal the body and emotions. Joe Dispenza has spent decades studying the human mind-how it works, and stores information and why it perpetuates the same behavioral patterns over and over again.

His extensive research in neurology, neurobiology and brain function have been published in his book "Develop your brain: the science of changing your mind. In this conference, Dr. Joe will bring us the latest and most relevant scientific findings relating to quantum world, mind, the healing spontaneous and biology of change, including scientific explanation that thoughts create reality.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weird Stores Manhattan

Manha de Carnaval (L. Bonfa - A. Maria) - Manuel Dominguez Guerra (cc ) 2011
can listen to in paragraph "A song ..." of

Waxing Prices Mississauga

It was beautiful

The title of the last poem published is "No". Somehow, that title was not without a warning. Yes, it's time to leave this palace of voyeurs and lovers of erotic texts. Necessary. Here explain the reasons, they may be more valid or less depending on who's read and interpret, but they are too much for me. I need, I need time and space for other projects. Meanwhile, you can still enter to spy through the keyhole of the rooms built for fantasy, but I will keep adding more rooms. If ye lay under me, and I want and like, of time, you can find in the jungle and fishing stories in the ether . I'll be there. It was lovely to have met some and intuited many more. Do not let the search for beauty through the locks or no locks involved. Farewell.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Large Is Christianity Statistically


I have just left,
you in me, crystalline, or trembling
or uneasy, wounded by myself
or filled with love, as when your eyes are closed
on the gift
life without cease I give you.

My love, we have found
thirsty and we drink
all the water and blood, we

hungry and we bit our
as fire bites, leaving wounds

But wait for me, save me your sweetness

I too will give a rose.

Text: "Absence" of Pablo Neruda

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Examples Of Propaganda Card Stacking

Manuel Domínguez Guerra. Poster Cádiz.Técnica Carnival Mixed / madera.1989. (Cc)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pitching Quotes About Softball

same is to ask a lot of patience, but I liked both the poem "The Seven Deadly Sins" by José Antonio Ochaita that I can not resist hanging around the whole , even so long, with all the pictures that illustrated when I hung in chunks. I thank you in advance for your understanding.


Like a San Jerónimo, skin and bone
'm crying at your door
my sins.
The seven no ... fourteen,
than fourteen hundred fit,
each of the seven
in the catechism are opened, there were seven
and seventies,
and seven chances.
just for you, for joy
imprison sinner.

Culpas of pride I had, and now
joy in confession;
pride ... I had you,
if sin, send me barefoot
that much to send me, go
pride inside of my temples
That was you who once abandoned
blood, little punishment is
then force him to doom.

and greed ...
Who thought that those royal gardens ...
chest magnolias and saliva
dates, should not greedy
gardener you save ...?
If up to be greedy,
God hold me hold on!
greedy left the penalty
one day gave me, and I nailed
three nails
from the tip to the rivet.

of lust, not to mention,
that is something that has to be silent,
to ask the bedroom and the sheets
link and twenty
whirligig that were starched,
they tell you what I was:
archangel pigeon and duvets
up and blush.

Ira had contained;
anger you, God help me!
anger you, to feel ...
your delivery without surrender,
anger of knowing that being,
as brave ... I am a coward, and a day
back to God
and your lie in the afternoon, do not seizing
neck and strangle you for nothing, and that
pass and then glory, glory
Bandilla and meat.

professed to gluttony,
I'm sober I bread, half a sip
I drink my fill of wine.
If I have air
snacks because the food of your body greedily
me know!

and envy ...
I was envious of your life, your
of when I was not glued to your
and who took me
the lead in your blood, I wish poultices
of fire in riñonales,
and if he knew her address ...
province, city and street,
with envy that I have, worn
lineage so
black powder that no trace is left.

I need ...?
yes, even had
laziness to not miss the seventh,
are sixty in catechism lover
laziness not to move,
not let laziness, sloth
they sank,
, home, family and
flows just to be with you,
bonding, sealing with wax.

Seven Deadly Sins caught me
hair to heel. Pride
with greed, lust
great wrath, gluttony and
envy and sloth. And
if they were not enough,
pareieron seven seven seven

Tell him to come to yours
the clerk, mayor,
the gravedigger,
all who will listen, I have
into the veins
deadly sins and seek my contrition
you something besides me,
I'm going through hell when I
where burnt, the four sins
give the fire in your image.

Text: José Antonio Ochaita
Images: 1. Pride, author unknown.
2. Greed, author: Alexandre Dupouy.
3. Lust, author unknown.
4. Ira, author: Ken Marcus .
5. Gula, Author: Ken Marcus .
6. Envy, author unknown.
7. Laziness, author: Jacek Pomykalski
8. Author unknown.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is Preperatio H Toxic To Dogs

Human Evolution: Hybridization between species? Brain disorders

Almost all the evidence indicated clashes between the two species (Homo sapiens and Neanderthal), no cooperation or a hybrid. But as we know, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and recently had the privilege a cultural and genetic group of paleontologists found out, after many years of effort and research, that human beings had mated and hybridized with the Neanderthals. This served to confirm the suspicions of many evolutionary biologists, and the presence of 5% of Neanderthal genes in Europeans opened our eyes are not a single species chosen, we have evolved and survived to this day, and probably due to reasons casual and not causal.

What's Fruit Concentrate

The brain is very complex and the symptoms of many brain disorders are heterogeneous and often varied. The panel of expert psychiatrists have developed classification systems to enable physicians to make accurate diagnoses of brain disorders.

Using these classification systems, symptoms of brain disorders are clearly defined and grouped. There are two widely applied systems. The first, developed by the American Psychiatric Association, is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and is used mainly in the U.S. The second, which is used more in Europe, is the International Classification of Diseases, Part 10 (ICD-10). These guidelines for determining mental illness that probably has the individual and discarding others whose symptoms overlap.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Goldwell Colour Remover On Wet Or Dry Hair?

Heart Day.

Me name is Pedro. I'm a regular guy, like my name and grateful life. Two months ago I won my 60 years of life. Geez if I lived not?. in a little town called La Union in the beautiful province of Mendoza.

My chronology of life, has its beginning and end in La Union, in the beautiful province of Mendoza. Chantagiar is not for me the wise, or stay pattern seen, but here everybody knows me: Mate of here pa 'there. Oops, old man, from barbecues or speak. " For the coals or flames there is nothing better than the goat, lamb or beef (the enemies of the stomach) also we Olvidao palate, my friend. Here we got up and went to bed thanking Dionysus, god of wine. To the beat of our folklore Cuyo, with the cat and the cueca, zapatearíamos on the vine, pa 'admired wine glass to take our love. There Mendoza if you were boss, I'd marry you ... Here we describe it as "the land of sun and good wine", certainty if any .... As an old Chalate

, finished talking about what he least expected. Chicata we are not, and get to the point, Ox. Last Sunday, when late blight was asleep after a hearty goat with a good glass of wine, looking around the house, which I entertain. I grabbed a little viejazo, so to speak. And it was the box of memories. That, that Ellen gave to me, our first year of marriage ......

What memories, "so that mourn ... Every time I remember, I feel an emptiness that will not fill. We were like the dull light bulb, as insult to injury, and horse rancher. Do not want to fall again in memories. These charms, letters, photos, goodies, I was sitting reading a poem she had written when we were dating.

And today ... I would like to share with my people:

"They say I'm a star,
I'll walk in every night.

say I'm the sun,
I wake up every morning.

I am light, I lit
at every glance.

say I'm the wind, I'll give
caresses face.

say I'm guardian,
I protect you at every opportunity.

say I'm crazy, I promise
a world for us.

say many things, I think
many others.

I remember the first time,
Kiss timid, fearful
's caresses.

Our eyes are watching,
were trying to understand the situation,
no reason,
There is nothing more than confusion. "

With all the love possible
Your Elena. 12/11/1977

14/02/2011 Don Quixote

Number Munchers To Play Online For Free

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dry Cervical Mucus Before Bfp

The Seven Deadly Sins And I loved her body after

then I loved her body and soul.

for me Her skin was dry land;
I dreamed as a sixth continent
not recorded on maps yet. I dreamed

Bay mouth.

Her hair was a virgin forest
which opened its mineral and dark mystery.
cities I dreamed of her breasts.

rivers of veins that outcrop in the skin were

routes opened to navigation and joy.

could travel in his eyes.

White Plains in their hands
I cultivated corn and good relations.

After I could not be but in their vicinity.

Text: Otto Raúl González

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Diaper Raffle In Spanish

What are you hiding in your being? Letter to Santa Claus

Those doors,

Amaicha Del Valle, Tafi del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina
2011. Sophie B.
that give us certainty,
The look,
And we ...
What hide?
Where do we take?

Years of History,
have touched that door.
So many have left in search of work,
And many others have gone in search of hope.

door, let yourself
No lock or key that will be closed.

always in me,
whimsical idea will come ....

.... I'm going

I went ....


Miramar, La Habana, Cuba 2011. Don Quijote

--------------------------- -----


Each has its charm. Each with its own key and form. Each of us is hiding something. They are shy, deceptive, guardians of life, and protagonists of our stories ...

Miramar, La Habana, Cuba 2011. Don Quijote
There are many variants of them, of all colors, all ages, all shapes. Possess well-defined features and scars it leaves us time. I would like to attend a parade, where they pose by a large gateway, with no music, flashes , people. I alone and them! ... Anyway ..... Among them, I stay with ONE:

The more timid, the less seductive, the most passionate, the less interested. In the morning, I am struck by its simplicity, at night I worry its mystery. But in the evenings, I sit in front of her, and watch. What are you hiding?, Why capture my attention?, What I find in you ?.....

The answers are immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200briddles. Doubt, is impatient, and takes the lead in my mind. The imagination starts his engine and began to fly. The reason and the heart, re -are at a crossroads, and forgotten in recent years. I find myself alone again, waiting for something to happen, seeing that door ...

think, reflect and say,

To view, you have to go.
To find out, is to risk ....

Don Quixote.