Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sore Nipples Veins In Chest And Breasts

Fibromyalgia and brain

Chronic pain not only hurts. It also damages the human brain, as confirmed by a group of scientists, led by Argentine Dante Chialvo, Faculty of Medicine of Northwestern University in the United States. To damage the brain, it is common with chronic pain also suffer from depression, impaired attention, decision making or sleep.

Chialvo team found evidence that require doctors to make a more comprehensive examination of patients with chronic pain. "Until now, doctors ask whether or not pain, and leave the matter there. But they should worry now for an assessment of the brain that may have been affected, "said the researcher Argentine Clarín. Chialvo studied medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

even if it was known that a healthy person does nothing, the brain as still active. Although it works in a very special balance. When part of the brain is more active, to disable the other hand a bit to keep that balance. The set of parties involved in this balance is called "network idle brain, "Chialvo said, I work with three other researchers. It is the one responsible for" maintaining "the brain.

In cases of people with chronic pain, however, the brain is never at rest, even when they decide to keep the mind blank, because they have pain, which is permanent. "It's like having a toothache for ten years and nothing to calm you down", he said.

Chialvo team started asking if the network of brain resting state was different in patients with chronic pain. Designed an experiment involving patients with chronic pain of the waist and volunteers of the same age, same sex but no pain. Everyone had to follow closely a bar on the computer screen that rose and fell fitfully. Was monitored through the fMRI, how well did


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