Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doujinshi Dragon Ball Italiano

"mirror neurons: The origin of human socialization"

Mirror neurons or "Mirror neuron" are a subset of neurons located in Broca's area and parietal cortex present in primates and some birds. Play a role in empathy and imitation, determinants in social interaction. Their recent discovery has reached a scientific dimension, which has been described by some experts as one of the most significant advances in neuroscience over the last decade. Professor Vilayanur Ramachandran, an expert on the matter has been argued that the discovery of mirror neurons will do for psychology what that the DNA did for biology.

Mirror neurons were discovered in the late 80's and 90's, by Giacomo Rizzolatti while working with Leonardo Fogassi and Vittorio Gallese at the University of Parma (Italy). The three scientists, experimenting with a monkey by stimulating the inferior frontal cortex to study the specialized neurons control movements of the hand gripper. By chance, observed that when one of the scientists picked up a banana with the hand, there was increased activity in the group of macaque mirror neurons, although it had not initiated any activity Engine expontánea ...

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