Thursday, December 30, 2010

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I was a young man and I lost

your ten infants armed
dug into my rear
collapsing all possible escape
trapping groans
capturing lips,
you took all my hosts
skin to a prison
subject to arm and leg bars
no other alternative but to invade;
32 pieces armored
punished my flanks undefended
and red dyed my being
losing all perceptions of reality.
In a battlefield full
white and whispers
naked fight we face in
various weapons
unequal strategy
know and hear your voice
a battered mattress I
undone in a sea of \u200b\u200btangled sheets
and you with the smile of one who knows the winner.

Text: Ángel Iván
Image: Henrik Agelby

Monday, December 27, 2010

Play Pokemon Yellow Online Save

Is Depression in children? 7 Tips

Children may also experience depression. Up to 8% of children suffer them, a figure that increases in adolescents.

child psychologist José Manuel Bonet explains the importance of time and treat them properly. If you want to know more about child psychology, visit More videos

Sample Welcome Letters To Visitors

for family gatherings

Dr. Elizondo, psychiatrist, shares her professional and personal experience in parenting. Is it good condition children with rewards and punishments? How to grant permissions?

How is good to give them what they want? These and other responses: 7 Tips for coexistence familiar.Te appreciate your comments make a well-founded criticism, to enrich the dialogue. More videos

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Learn to say "no" Best

Parents have a tendency to say "no" to our children, however, we do not always the most rational and effective manner. In this video educational psychologist Laura Square gives us some tips for saying "no" and convince. Above all parents must be aware of the child's age and understanding what kinds of behaviors are common in every age. Once this is understood, it is that we set clear limits on what they should do or not, and always give the child an explanation about why we say no. Following these simple tips will be easier for the child is unclear how we should behave and all live together more family friendly.

psychologist Laura Cuadrado is ISEP Clínic education, multidisciplinary network cabinets specializing in counseling, assessment and treatment of problems related to psychology, learning and health. ISEP Clínic ( has been developing its activity since 1982, which saw the opening of the first office in Barcelona and has now has a network of 22 franchises spread across throughout the English geography and a center in Buenos Aires (Argentina). More videos

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teach respect, tolerance instead of depression in 2020

often said both families and in educational media "we must be tolerant." However, for educational expert Comellas M ª Jesús this claim involves a certain attitude of superiority that some allow others to be different or think differently. Against the teaching of tolerance in this video Comellas argues that the educational process, children should learn instead the value of respect and to value and recognize others.

Comellas M ª Jesus is a teacher and educator with experience in all stages of education: early childhood education, adult and special. Psy.D. and professor at the Faculty of Education at the Department of Applied Education at UAB. Author of numerous publications under the guidance of teachers, families and professionals involved in education. More videos

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Funny Wedding Announcement Examples

Although only the flame of this candle,
enough to relieve
Darkness and light Hope.

Let your heart that shines even
not turn off ... and turn your calls
those most in need.

Manuel Domínguez Guerra. 2010.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Get Rid Of Skin Tophi


Invitation to see what I see. Challenge
that protects my madness. Reason for my athletic
positions . All of origin if origin
desire. Rush
constipated that Theseus
directed back to the dark depths of the mystery
harsh voice that punishment has a language. My pleasure. If
corner, the need, the need, if you haven
really so innocent that does not require shade and scenery.
Lot Trace-woman-as many sales.
Former silo of a recent effort. Lightness
that stands in a thousand end.

Text: "Your pubes" of Federico Hernández Aguilar

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Dear Old:

I'm large write, but as they say, always keep that inner child that never dies.

I have a long history in this life so generous and nice. I walked about fifty years or so, accompanied by the woman of my life, recently absent. I'm lucky to get constantly the great love of my two grandchildren, Maria Claudia just 12-years old, and Stephen, rioters if any, of 10 candles. Not to mention my son, always attentive to my crafty old tricks with his French wife, known among single simultaneous travel beyond by 90 'to Europe.

That great continent itself that changed his life: he gave a beautiful woman, delicate as silk carrier caramel eyes, his voice soft and soothing. Also, gave his two creatures, who both work, but give satisfaction, a house on the outskirts of the big city, always congested, tenant of such violence, and aunt of the great known insecurity.

few months ago, the woman who shared my sheets, I got my kisses and gave the warmest hugs and tender, has left me, for those things in life that can not be prevented, much less hide forgotten. I am aware of everything that has left me in everything I've learned from it. That makes me want to move on in order to provide the best for my grandbabies, and my beloved son.

Excuse me, Father for making an introduction so long, but I have really wanted to tell my situation now, who knows what going on inside me, to understand without me.

supposed that tomorrow is Christmas. It is assumed that the family unit, will be hoping its undeniable presence. Times are supposed to remember, to forgive and why not to change.

Also next to your event, is approaching the end of the year . That also means re-thinking the year under fading with the passing of the hours. It invites us to project the next year, where the new hope, always rises from each, where dreams take momentum, where we feel secure in what we want.

long time ago, I left the pen and the blade for you. A long time ago do not believe in Christmas. But now, but TODAY, I apologize. I'm honest, I feel guilty for having neglected your event so long, seeing it as commercial as some marketing, and one more night, as dinner again, only with relish of receiving gifts and bringing the whole family.

and I am convinced that Christmas is more than gifts, a good food, and that a major leakage of money. At present there is a constant struggle between my morals, and feelings.

Today more than ever want the family together, I remember the good times, I remember last Christmas with my love, love that she is This, here today.

As Christmas gift, I ask:

The Memory of Her,
The Magic of Ella,
Force Ella,
She's laughter.
just love her ........

never forget you,
always remember you ......

Bustos Fernando Del Valle 24/12/201 0

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that depression may be in the year 2020, the second leading cause of disability worldwide, behind only cardiovascular disease.

usually depression affects women and usually occurs between 20 and 50 years, often by a traumatic event such as loss of a loved one, or stressful, like having a child. The disease may present with a wide range of disorders, ranging from low self-esteem, guilt, sleep disturbances, until loss of appetite, sexual interest, concern or lack of concentration. More videos

Does It Hurt After Lumbar Steroid Epidural


Do you know the signs of childhood depression? Contrary to popular belief, many children suffer from depression. The consequences of not receiving help can be for a lifetime. More videos

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mozart Und Salieri Film

What You pubis I want to explode

Your infinite desire,
your eyes burning
your hands caressing,
your morbid inflammatory, skin
your bright shade,
your lustful fantasies,
your light disturbing, maddening
your kisses, your words
hot erect
your sex, your voice
your voracious mouth, tender
your madness, your tenderness
your dominant force
your wild passion, your desire
excessive ... ALL YOU


in two words. Assumpta

Cabiscol Solsona (2008)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Myelodysplastic Syndrome Survival Rates By Age

Child Depression Schizophrenia: brain, genes and environment.

have not identified a single cause for schizophrenia. Many diseases, such as heart, are the result of the interaction of genetic, behavioral, and others.

is possible that this is also the case in schizophrenia. Scientists still have not figured out what factors are necessary to occur. Today, they are using all the tools of modern biomedical research to clarify the role played by genes, which are critical times in brain development and what other causes contribute to the development of the disease. More videos

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schizophrenia: neurochemical and family

Alteration of several neurotransmitter systems has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia since the 1950s parallel to the description of toxic psychosis and its mechanism action. First was related to serotonin dysfunction in this disease produced following LSD psychosis.

This hypothesis was in second place to discover the mechanism of action of antipsychotic drugs with the production of psychotic symptoms by dopamine agonists, which led to the dopaminergic theory formulated in the early 70s. This hypothesis was to explain both the positive symptoms as part of the cognitive deficits of the disease, but does not respond to all the symptoms that can occur in the evolution of schizophrenic patients. Hence, new theories emerged later as the GABAergic and glutamatergic (related to the model of phencyclidine psychosis.)

More videos

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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"mirror neurons: The origin of human socialization"

Mirror neurons or "Mirror neuron" are a subset of neurons located in Broca's area and parietal cortex present in primates and some birds. Play a role in empathy and imitation, determinants in social interaction. Their recent discovery has reached a scientific dimension, which has been described by some experts as one of the most significant advances in neuroscience over the last decade. Professor Vilayanur Ramachandran, an expert on the matter has been argued that the discovery of mirror neurons will do for psychology what that the DNA did for biology.

Mirror neurons were discovered in the late 80's and 90's, by Giacomo Rizzolatti while working with Leonardo Fogassi and Vittorio Gallese at the University of Parma (Italy). The three scientists, experimenting with a monkey by stimulating the inferior frontal cortex to study the specialized neurons control movements of the hand gripper. By chance, observed that when one of the scientists picked up a banana with the hand, there was increased activity in the group of macaque mirror neurons, although it had not initiated any activity Engine expontánea ...

... fragmentos de "

Ocular Herpes Stories

Result Of A Divine Madness

Sun, Shine On My Face,
that fire Turn Off now.

Song, has your participation in the wind
Between the ears, and let us all sing.

time, let fly,
Lose your sanity,
And stop fun!

Happiness and Love
Welcome Search are my heart.

A Fly, Flying,
Vámosnos all already!

Somewhere there,
is this great city!

Don Quixote 16/12/2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Denise Milani New Year

Sister Irene returns to her old ways. Log in in paragraph "Splashes of humor" and listen to the audio for Christmas last Manuel Domínguez Guerra.

Alejandro Ricart Cabús

beats on my lips ... Punishment for your meat

The beats explode in my mouth and just
that mutter:
come, death, and wellcome!
desert on the desire of your flesh
the moon aloft
faint covering of modesty
dismembered members
collect blood in the howling
the lovely remains of my body.

Text: "The beats explode in my mouth ..." of Clara Janes.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Michael Funeral Coffin

So I would like a night
pleasure when the time comes,
Climbing without noise, like a coward,
to the treasures that adorn you,

To punish your flesh from bruising your breast
And open your astonished flank
A long and deep wound.

And dizzying sweetness!
Through these new lips,
more dazzling and more beautiful,
My poison inocularte, sister.

Text: " A which is too happy " (fragment) of Charles Baudelaire.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Oh the bitten mouth, oh the kissed limbs,
oh the hungering teeth, oh the entwined bodies.

Oh the mad coupling of hope and effort
in which we merged and despaired.

And the tenderness, light as water and flour.
And the word scarcely begun on the lips.

That was my destiny and in it went my desire,
and in it my longing fell, in you everything sank!

Text: " a Song of Despair" (fragment) of Pablo Neruda