Friday, July 9, 2010

Losec How Long To Work

A woman asks:
- "Master, do not understand why if a man has sex with several women, has a reputation as a champion. But if a woman has sex with several men, immediately has a reputation for loose woman. It is unfair that? "
The Master replied:
- "Make an effort and think. A key that opens several locks, master key is worthy of appreciation. But if a lock can be opened by several different keys, does not fit nothing. "
A man asks:
- "Master, do not understand why if a woman has sex with several men, women immediately has a reputation for easy but if a man has sex with several women, has a reputation as a champion. It is unfair that? "
Master replied:
-" Make an effort and thought. If you were a woman and you felt desire for someone other than your husband, yet he wanted to follow him, and I happen to as often as men and it happens the same purity lived with them, but not are willing to admit it, or call it love, being but a manifestation of the same feel for their wives, you'd see dirty, ugly, despicable?
A door that only allows passage of a person, is a gateway to its main function impaired which is to allow passage to all who need it. The goodness directed to one person just might get that name. The love directed to one person can not hide his vocation given to everyone.
only selfishness, disguised as wisdom, is able to measure double standards as irresistible impulse to camouflage what is nothing more than loyalty to the call of nature about love, when a man who obeys him, and coloring of "despicable and disgusting under instinct" when the woman who yields to this vital call.

"A key that opens several locks is a key worthy of appreciation. But if a lock can be opened with several key different, is useless. "says an old aphorism. And so old ... because neither sex is a key man nor the woman, a lock.

" Menage a trois avec voyeur " T .mista canvas. Manuel Domínguez Guerra (cc) 1984.


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