Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Get Tested For Hand Foot And Mouth Disease

In the echo of my deaths
there is still fear.
Do you know fear?
I know the fear when I say my name.
is fear, fear
with black hat hiding
rats in my blood, or fear
dead lips
drinking my wishes. Yes
the echo of my deaths
there is still fear.

Text: "The fear"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Quotes For Bridal Shower Favors

Fear Deadly Sins: Lust

of lust, not to mention,
that is something that has to be silent,
to ask the bedroom and the sheets
liaison and twenty
whirligig that were starched,
they tell you what I was:
bull, dove and angel
up and blush.

Text: " The Seven Deadly Sins" (fragment) of José Antonio Ochaita

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why Is The Front Of My Neck Sore